Services | Analyses, Consultations, Membership, COURSES
The three Prongs to the Holosynthesis Work are:
Natural Systems | Psychological and Astrological Structures | Consciousness Processes
“You are a master, Erin, at what you are doing.”
A primary wound underscoring the human experience and impacting our collective reality is separation. Holosynthesis represents our individual and collective natural alignment (wholeness) by way of combining the intelligence and optimization of natural systems, the understandings of psychological and astrological structures, and the foundational efficacy and obligation of consciousness processes.
Personal Transformation for Collective Evolution
Personal growth work naturally, intrinsically and directly impacts Collective energies, imprints, patterns and trajectories.
The services here act as a catalyst to bring clarity and an assimilated understanding of who you are - your naturally encoded narratives, wound drivers, unconscious patterning, and your naturally encoded qualities and evolutionary mastery arcs - and the intrinsic role that Mind plays in your process of unfolding. Naturally aligned joys, strengths, relationships and relationship dynamics, career/work, family dynamics, home/place, mental functioning, communication style, emotional processing, fears and avoidances, internal/external orientation, creative interests and expression, spiritual orientation, inner truths and grounding. Through this foundational understanding, and recognizing your distinct filter of perception, you are able to see clearly, engage in your power, and participate differently. Default suffering transmutes into natural freedom of mind and a naturally more joyful flow of life.
Information/narratives drive the form of your life. As every system is naturally, intricately enmeshed within the greater whole, and inherently reflective of it, the astrological blueprint contains detailed information and serves as a clean foundation for much of the Holosynthesis work here. Why? Because you are intrinsically part of the Web of Life and operate naturally as a microcosm of the macrocosm.
While astrology is not required to access present moment clarity and actuate freedom from suffering, it serves with pristine accuracy those wanting to gain clear understanding of their life (path, patterns, growth arcs) while simultaneously recognizing their role within The Whole.
Other work to awaken ever deeper self-clarity emerges from that optimal starting point.
BLUEPRINT | OPTIMAL FIRST step for new clients
After payment, you will be led to the Online Form to supply your birth details and any other information you want to provide.
Blueprint Analysis | $250
The foundational tool for all new clients. A comprehensive analysis of your Western astrological birth chart to understand your distinct nature, your naturally encoded patterns, wound defaults, unconscious drivers, life lessons, skills and gifts, optimal natural flow, alignment, and mastery potentials. 120 minutes, in-depth, in two parts on video.
*If ordering as a gift, you will receive a Gift Certificate by email to give to your loved one, and the person will order their Blueprint Analysis after the holidays with their personal birth details.
ANALYSES | Explorations On Video
After payment, you will be led to the Online Form to supply your birth details and any other information you want to provide.
2025 Analysis | $150
A comprehensive exploration of your current and upcoming evolutionary themes, processes, and growth cycle, which explores all layers of your life - your progressed cycle / current themes, the planetary transits naturally activating your natal chart, and your annual birthday-to-birthday solar return thematic growth cycle. This analysis is around 90 minutes, in-depth and on video.
(Members, please see your Membership price here.)
Inquiry Analysis | $125
A comprehensive exploration into your specific inquiry and/or growth-cycle. Examples: career alignment, health issue root causation, relationship dynamics (synastry), location alignment (astrocartography), mental/emotional patterning, and more. A cycle analysis for any 3-month timeframe, as well. 60 minutes, on video.
MEMBERSHIP | Quarterly Support
Membership | $33/mo Quarterly Support
Cost effective, year-round counseling, clarity and support. Weekly videos on current energies and topical explorations, and personal 1-on-1 consultations with Erin on a quarterly schedule. For those who have received their Blueprint Analysis, you are welcome to join as a Member and receive various support benefits. Learn more on our Member page or connect directly to the Patreon sign-up portal here.
Consultations | on Phone or Zoom
Consultations On hold for February 2025
For those of you who are growth-orientated, to understand subconscious pattern expressions and growth edges (mental, emotional, relational, etc.), to understand changing cycles and new evolutionary growth themes, and to practice self-inquiry to access your natural state of balance and peace. After payment, you will be led to the Online Form to supply your birth details and any other information you want to provide.
Consultation Package | $275
Package of (3) 60-minute consultations for multiple and/or in-depth explorations or personal teaching sessions by phone or by Zoom.
Consultation | $125
For those with a completed Blueprint Analysis, you are welcome to a live consultation by phone or by Zoom, 75 minutes.
All patterns originate with and are driven by information. Learn the information driving your patterns.
To be announced. To learn skills for clarity and grounding, assessments and interpretation processes, natural alignment and evolutionary mastery.
“Thank you. As always, your reading is clear, insightful and packed with profound wisdom. I’ve watched it twice now and it feels deeper than a hundred therapy sessions: your skills illuminate the prognosis, the diagnosis and contain the medicinal way forward. Everything you said was deeply resonant and felt like someone tugging at my jumper sleeve to remind me what I’ve been ignoring to attend to… I am so very fortunate to have you in my life, and to have the means to access your wisdom. Thank you.”
“I cannot thank you enough for your incredibly deep work here. I am blown away. Thank you so much for your gifts and insight. I feel this is some of the best money I have ever spent. Truly.”
One cannot change patterns that are not understood.
One cannot heal wounds that are denied or projected.
One cannot be free if the binds are left unrecognized.
REFUNDS/EXCHANGES | In all the years in business, refunds have not been an issue because they have been very rarely requested (perhaps 2-3 times due to lead-time delays). However, a note of clarity as of 2020: due to details with PayPal’s refund policy, no refunds can be issued. However, transferring one service for another of equal value is welcome if the originally-ordered service has not been completed.