About Holosynthesis

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Holosynthesis is a return to natural alignment.

Separation is a primary wound underscoring the human experience and impacting our collective reality. Holosynthesis represents our individual and collective natural alignment (wholeness) by way of combining the intelligence and optimization of natural systems, the understandings of psychological and astrological structures, and the foundational efficacy and obligation of consciousness processes.

The work here is about wholing, or rather re-wholing, the psyche. The work here is about connection, or rather re-connection, back to our foundational and natural state of healthy and balanced consciousness, un-interrupted by wound patterning and the separation (suffering) which emerges as a default operating system.


Welcome, everyone. To start, let me offer some background on the foundations here: my inherent natural orientation has always been keyed in to form, patterning and wholeness. An early career was rooted in retail store design and construction but later organically redirected to human ‘design and construction’. Information, whole systems, patterning, optimal functioning, natural processes, and consciousness as an information field emerged as definitive focuses. The career redirection, I used to say, was a change from store design to ‘soul’ design. With design living at the core of both.

External form always reflects and emits an internal story. Life expressing, in form, what the narrative within is driving, was always clear. Every subject and every process is “in-formed”, and how the information expresses itself impacts the Whole. Early in my childhood, when I was around 6 or 7, I experienced a series of distinct observations regarding certain physical attributes of people reflecting a particular quality of character (a type of humor, a way of kindness, etc.).

Starting in my mid twenties, while already fully immersed in what was to become a 14 year career managing Store Planning & Design within the retail industry (inclusive of store construction management nationwide), metaphysical, consciousness and psychological explorations, studies, coursework, workshops, groups and life coaching occurred regularly. Working with various animal organizations (The Gorilla Foundation, The Marine Mammal Center and others) also occurred during this time-frame as a natural part of the joyful investigatory journey. The pull was always depth: to see and connect to what was underneath, what was truth. And I heeded the intuitive impetus for exploration.

I emerged from that career to dive academically and eventually re-align and develop the ‘holistic science of soul’ via the first iteration of the work: The Alchemy of Holism. Later to become Holosynthesis. Foundationally the same, but honed, the work and mission of Holosynthesis is whole systems understanding and integration, specifically focused on the human mind and collective consciousness.

There are many ways to see the wound patterning (and thus also the growth edges for freedom) of an individual. Simple observation can bring the internal stories to clear light. This skill becomes more readily honed with time and experience. Knowing the astrological blueprint, however, offers incredible detail to the stories and nuances, to the patterns and natural orientations, and to the ‘past’ wounds and the ‘future’ mastery arcs built in. The Natal Chart is a blueprint, a snapshot, a compass, a calendar, a story, a trajectory... The Natal Chart is your psyche, you as a microcosm of the macrocosm, and it points you at your own reflection, allowing the clear seeing of: 1) What are the stories (remembered and encoded experiences) driving my automatic patterns?, and 2) What are the areas of growth/evolution being prompted within me by those exact stories?

For those willing to see and know themselves (all of themselves - the shadowed parts, the unconsciously shamed aspects, the ‘dark’, unappealing, judged and ego-conflicted qualities), the Natal Chart and the multitude of associated clarifications pointing to your blueprint’s natural evolutionary processes and growth cycles all act as keys to freedom, peace and natural alignment. From this foundation of self-knowing, contemplative Inquiry work functions to connect us to present moment reality, facilitates ownership and accountability of our stories, and acts to assimilate long-term responsibility for the inner-outer experiences perceived as reality.

With a masters in Holistic Science (systems science) layered upon a Psychology undergraduate degree (both, hons), I work with individuals or groups virtually in many areas around the world.

The work continues to come into being, strengthen and evolve, or have its evolution expressed from the sometimes long-held internal realizations out into the public sphere. You are invited to subscribe to the newsletter below if you would like to connect with what is unfolding. And if ready to move into a new orientation of greater self-clarity for optimal participation in your life, you are invited to learn about my Services.